I've been having issues with a couple of things in the sphere of beliefs.
It has never been easy, but lately it's been hard to accomplish the goals set for me.
Since I decided to dedicate myself body and soul to one system of beliefs, it became clear to me that I was following the path less travelled since I chose a historically misunderstood way of thinking and believing in supreme beings. I am still convinced that I chose well, but I'm having problems being respectful of others and harming none. I find it hard to avoid temptation and turn away from teaching annoying people a lesson.Is truly exasperating to deal with those that are unwilling to see things from points of view that are new to them and so makes me want to hurt them. I try to excercise patience and I have created a mantra that I repeat to myself when in the presence of those people: do not engage, do not engage.
I live in a community that is very reluctant to acceptance of what they consider odd. And in this case, I am the odd.
I have never eaten pork since it's a very heavy meat and upsets my stomach; therefore I must be Jewish.
I made the personal choice of not eating slaughtered animals and so I must be a radical environmentalist.
I choose not to salute the flagg or sing the national antom and so I must be a Jahova's Witness
I believe that nobody should belong to another person and monogamy is no longer a viable way of living since we live a lot longer and change a lot more, expecting others to do the same; so I must be a polygamist.
I came out of the broom closet while I lived in the U.S. and it was fairly easy to be openly wiccan, but then I moved to Mexico, where 'm the odd one, that belongs to a cult that worships the devil and hurts people. Comments like those are the ones that make me want to hurt people!
I have probably explained my views on life and spirituality a million times in a million ways and have come to the conclusion that is not me, but the inability of the others to see that which is not part of the norm.
The norm in this country is to have a judeochristian system of beliefs or at least a cultural baggage that has been permeated by Chistianity. When trying to explain that I have never believed in the Hebrew God, people think I'm not a spiritual person and that I must be an atheist. When I deffend my spiritual beliefs, people have asked me why would a person with the amount of information and wisdom that I posses, believe in a supreme being that controlls our lives? and so I answer: I don't; and have to again explain what Wicca is.
I used to believe that Wicca, like any other religion should come out in the open and we should be allowed to have rituals out of doors without fear of being discriminated against. I used to believe that anybody that felt the calling should teach others about the basics of our beliefs. I used to feel comfortable being openly wiccan, enjoying tha freedom of belief that is a right granted in the Constitution of most countries in the Westen Hemisphere. I no longer feel like that.
I'm being forced into the broom closet again by ignorance, intolerance and xenophobia.